About Us

At Amplixity, our team is passionately committed to excellence. Our leaders have generated over 300M in revenue and have a solid 10+ years of experience in B2B sales. Since COVID, B2B sales have evolved significantly, and we take pride in being at the forefront of this change, constantly adapting to what works and what doesn't. Driving revenue is paramount, and we're committed to achieving this goal by any means necessary. Our partners consistently praise us for fulfilling every commitment we make. Our dedication is evident in our work ethic—we start early, stay late, and put in extra effort. Developing and implementing go-to-market strategies is more than a job; it's our passion and what we live for.

Where We Started

Amplixity officially began at the end of 2022, but our journey began in 2015 under Outbound Advantage, where we started as an outsourced lead generation company. We grew that business to a multi-seven-figure venture but realized something crucial was missing. Despite our growth, only about half of our clients achieved remarkable results, which led us to meticulously analyze our work with over 100 clients to understand whom we served best and where we made the most impact.The insight from this analysis inspired us to evolve.

We shifted from solely providing lead generation to partnering with select companies, offering comprehensive business development and sales enablement services. This strategic pivot has been highly successful, reflected in our 98% success rate since the change. We attribute this success to carefully choosing companies we are confident we can assist, which also underpins the guarantee offered with our services. We've found our niche in assisting B2B Tech and Software startups. These companies tend to be eager to grow swiftly and impress investors. They are also open to modern strategies and innovative selling approaches, aligning perfectly with our methods.

By integrating our strategic approach into these companies, we help them achieve substantial revenue growth, build their brand, and scale effectively. Eventually, our clients outgrow our services, at which point we smoothly transition the reins back to them, or they choose to continue to ascend with our ongoing support.

Our Alumni Roots

Our Journey From A Lead Generation To A Revenue Generation Partner

The evolution of why we can guarantee success with every company we bring on as a partner

Amplixity at a GLANCE

  • Started as a B2B LeadGen Company in 2017

  • Started as a B2B revenue consulting business in 2020

  • Started partnering with companies in 2022 as their business development partner

  • Over 300 million in revenue generated

  • 200+ clients served

  • 10,000+ meetings set

Our Leadership Team

Office: 4834 NW 2nd Ave, Unit #205, Boca Raton, FL 33431

Call 954-212-9892

Site: www.amplixity.com

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